Catie – Maternity | Huntington Indiana Photographer

This family is seriously one of the sweetest!  So kind and easy-going!  Mom makes being pregnant look easy…she was positively glowing and gorgeous!  And the little princess was an absolute doll… I so wanted to keep her!!  She posed so perfectly, and I could tell she’s going to be a wonderful big sister!  Such an adorable family!  Thanks so much for allowing me to capture this special time in your lives!  May God continue to bless your amazing family!



Maren | Fort Wayne IN Newborn Photographer

One of my dear friends that I haven’t seen in quite some time contacted me about a newborn session.  I was quite excited to not only get in some cuddle time with a precious newborn, but to also catch-up with an old friend.  It was wonderful to meet her beautiful family, and I must say her two little ones are absolutely adorable!  I wanted to take them home with me!  Anyway, sweet Maren was absolutely perfect right down to her precious baby lips!  You guys seriously have two beautiful children!!  Thanks again for allowing me to capture your gorgeous newborn…a true gift from God!  I know your children have an Angel from above watching over them.  May they be forever wrapped in her love.Maren2-webMaren1b-webMaren3b-webMaren4-webMaren9-webMaren13-webMaren17a-web

Engagement – Fort Wayne IN Photographer

These two braved the extreme elements for their session!  The bitterly cold temps and nasty rain weren’t going to keep them down!  Not once did they complain about the weather or being so cold that they couldn’t feel their finger tips…they definitely get the “Most Brave” award!  Their love for each other shined through in each and every image…just beautiful!  I’ll share a couple from their session, but there were MANY gorgeous images thanks to their amazing spirits!  I wish them the best in their upcoming wedding.  I’m sure it will be just PERFECT by looking at how they absolutely adore each other!  God definitely put these two together…it’s obvious in everything they do!  Such kind and loving souls!  Thanks again for allowing me to capture the special bond that you two have with each other.  May it be a reminder to us all!  SMCrystal1-webSMCrystal9-webSMCrystal4-web

Leo – 6 Months | Fort Wayne Baby Photographer

Oh my goodness!!!  I just can’t get enough of this adorable little guy!!!  I’ve had the pleasure of photographing him since he was a newborn, and he’s never been anything but a perfect, smiley handsome babe! He’s just so happy, and his wonderful personality shines through on every single image!!!  His whole family is gorgeous and amazing so I shouldn’t be surprised!  I just LOVE working with all of them!!!  I seriously wanted to keep this little guy, but I would never be able to compete with the amazing bond he has with his mama and daddy…makes my heart melt!!  Anyway, here’s some of my faves from his session!  Enjoy!


Brooklyn – 1 Year | Huntington Indiana Child Photographer

I had the pleasure of photographing this cutie as a newborn. Then, somehow the time flew by and now she’s ONE!  How is that possible?!  She was such a beautiful newborn and even more precious one year old!  So sweet!  Being a busy toddler, she kept her mama and grandma hopping during our session!  We had fun, and I’m so glad they came back to see me for her one year session!  Even worked in a little cake smash, which she totally knocked out of the park!!  She dove right in without hesitation!  Perfect!!  Such a gorgeous babe with amazing eyes! Thanks again!



